

  • Financial Aid

    Because this program is a fully accredited graduate degree, all enrolled students are eligible for student loans. The first step in obtaining a loan is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ (federal school code 001314) The FAFSA takes one to four weeks to process and you will then be sent a Student Aid Report (SAR). Once your application has been reviewed you will receive an Award Letter indicating the loan amounts you are eligible for and necessary documents to receive loan funds.

    To review scholarships available, please browse the UCI Financial Aid web site at http://www.fao.uci.edu/. We also encourage you to check with your employer for tuition reimbursement programs and with your union for tuition assistance or scholarships.

    Federal Direct Student Loans
    Federal Direct Student Loans are available to M.A.S. students. For specific details on eligibility criteria see www.fao.uci.edu/hbp02.php. Loans are available up to $18,500. Students who demonstrate financial need may be eligible for $8,500 of the $18,500 in subsidized loan proceeds. See www.directloans.ed.gov/ for specific loan information. The Federal Direct Student Loan program has two types of loans available.

    Subsidized loans - interest accrues on a borrower's loan while the borrower is in school, grace, or authorized periods of deferment, and is paid by the government.
    Unsubsidized loans - the borrower is fully responsible for paying the interest that accrues on the loan. Interest on an unsubsidized loan accrues from the date of disbursement and continues throughout the life of the loan.

    Student Awards
    Your eligibility is determined by your cost of attendance and the expected student contribution. See the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships website (www.fao.uci.edu/hbtoc.php) for further information on how financial aid eligibility is determined.

  • anonymous 回答: 去美国读MBA,如何申请助学贷款
  • 倍领趣闻 回答: mba学费贷款
    1. 商业银行贷款。学生可以选择向商业银行申请个人助学贷款。这种贷款通常需要学生提供抵押或担保,银行会根据学生的信用状况和还款能力来决定是否批准贷款。2. 教育贴息贷款。部分银行和国家政策会提供针对教育领域的贴息贷款,这种贷款在校期间可以享受利息减免,减轻学生的经济压力。申请此类贷款通常需要提供录取...
  • 誉祥祥知识 回答: MBA申请助学贷款需要哪些证明
  • anonymous 回答: 请问MBA学费可以办理贷款吗?
    您好,如您需在我行申请贷款,贷款金额一般是5万或5万以上,我行的贷款是专款专用的,无法直接贷出现金后使用。具体您可以联系就近的网点详细了解情况,您可点击map.cmbchina.com查看我行最新的各地网点分布,也可以通过手机一网通( http://m.cmbchina.com )、手机银行iphone版、android版金融助手网点查询...
  • 小光生活百科 回答: MBA学费贷款会贷不下吗?非常有可能!
    3、凭借MBA学院的录取通知书(接收函)申请贷款,还需要学校开具学杂费证明。 4、提供银行认可的抵押物或质押物资产或第三方连带责任保证书。二、MBA学费贷款会贷不下吗? 会的。因为MBA学费一年要几十万,就算普通的学校至少也要将近10万元,在银行贷款中已经算中等额度的个人贷款,必须提供一定...
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