

  • 1.自我介绍(self-introduce)
    Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.I am very glad to be here for your interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is You HengBo.I was born inShandonglinqing in 1984, a small city which is in the northwest ofShandongprovince.I graduated fromNorthChinaElectricPowerUniversityand get the bachelor degree,with the major ofFinance in 2007.I was diligent inuniversityand my grades were among the tops. In fact,I was awarded scholarships for 3 times during the (four) years ofuniversitylife.
    After my graduation,I joinedChina Galaxy Securities in May ,2007, which is one of the top Security company inChina.My position isSecurities trader, and My job is to open a security account and Maintenance of customer.
    InFeburary ,2008, for some reasons, I changed my job to another company, ZMAY Holdings limited company,which isanInvestment companyinBeijing.My responsibility is toSearch for project,negotiate,Draft agreementand maintain follow-up relations.
    InFeburary ,2009,I joinedDatang Telecom Technology Industry Holdings Limited corporation.From then to now,I have been in DaTang as ainvestment manager.My responsibility is toInvestment m
  • 金融王叔 回答: mba面试英文问题
    MBA面试实际上是一个自我营销的过程,在这个过程中,考生要把自己当做一个产品,客户就是面试官。相对于求职面试而言,MBA入学面试方式比较固定。 所有MBA院校综合素质面试的大体上由四个部分组成:自我介绍、个人面试、小组面试、英语口语。 自我介绍是面试的最古老方式之一,MBA面试自我介绍主要考察学生的组织能力和逻辑能力...
  • 博雅汇MBA培训 回答: 如何写MBA面试英文自我介绍
    2. 一定要用英文思维,第一次就用英文写作!---人有一种天生的惰性和犯贱。要读MBA一定能够认识到这一点。关键是怎么克服。很多学员希望别人为自己写好介绍,自己背背就行,这样惰性不可能不在面试过程表现出来。3. 行文中不要浪费一个字!---现代社会,每个人都很忙,不要让你的垃圾信息浪费我...
  • anonymous 回答: 问下大家,管理类联考MBA英语面试的时候都会问哪些问题啊?谢谢啦
    1、Take me through your resume, starting with your first full-time job.2、Describe the job you had before your present one.3、How did you like your last job?4、Where do you see yourself in ten years?5、Will you be seeking higher education?还有其他的问题会问,一共也就20分钟...
  • 百度网友0baf408 回答: 英语口语面试技巧有哪些
    一般来说,MBA复试的英语口语考查环节,是以自我介绍和3个自由提问的题目组成的。而自我介绍一般在老师的发散提问之前,所以我们可以说:自我介绍决定了后面问题的走向。这提醒我们自我介绍内容设置的关键性。那么首先,一个合格的自我介绍应该怎样构成呢?自我介绍的基本架构 1. Greeting-问候 2. Basic Inf...
  • 微微w67 回答: 如何写MBA面试英文自我介绍
    一.行文前 在写MBA面试英文前对自己进行三轮自我拷问:1.准备好纸和笔,第一次拷问自己:我有哪些优点和优势?我有哪些背景和经历?可以发动朋友同事家人一起来想,所有可能想到的,一一写在纸上。2.总结完毕,再度拷问自己:在这些优点和优势中,我最大的优势是什么?在这些背景和经历中,我最与众...
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